Rev. Mark Beaton conducts a group for men who are separated (e.g., estranged/widowed) or divorced from their ex or current partner.
Venue: Northern Illawarra Uniting Church
Contact: Mark Beaton on Mob: 0430 209 195 or email: or visit “The Men’s Well” on Facebook
10:30 a.m. rehearsal at Shellharbour Salvation Army Corps, Cnr Ulster & Leawarra Ave, Barrack Heights.
Contact: Jill White
For men, women and children. If you are doing it tough or feeling lonely and would like somebody to talk to, come and chat over a free cuppa and a free light meal of Soup and Sandwiches. Or just come and relax for a while, read the paper or browse through a magazine, or just chill out!
Venue and time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Scouts Hall, Kiama Harbour
Women bring their own crafts, like sewing, embroidery, knitting (some are making squares for the ‘Wrap with Love’ rugs), crocheting or anything else. We sit, chat and do our own projects; plus have a cuppa & read a small ‘thought from the Bible’.
Details: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Gerringong Anglican Church hall, cnr Blackwood & Fern Sts.
Contact: Jenny (0407 282 657) or Beth (0438 691 363)
We are a group for little ones to bring their adult carer to share and develop through play and gardening. We also welcome the whole community in and around West Wollongong.
Venue: 10:00-12:00 a.m. Keiraview Uniting Church, 34 Fisher St West Wollongong.
Contact: Jenny, 0401 245 669,
Bishop Reg Piper will be speaking on 1 Peter this term.
Details: 12.45 pm to 1.15 pm sharp at St Michael's Church Hall, corner of Church and Market Sts, Wollongong. Download flyer
Venue: 4:00-5:00 p.m. Fellowship Centre, Kiama Uniting Church, Manning St.
Contact: Michele Broad 0400 324 708. All welcome
Details: 9:00 am to 12 noon at Port Kembla Baptist Church hall, 81 Illawarra St, Port Kembla to raise funds to help people in the community.
Contact: Maggie
Morning tea followed by mahjong, jigsaws, scrabble and other games.
Venue and time: 10:00 a.m. Scouts Hall, Kiama Harbour
Hear from missionaries about their work. BYO Lunch and mug, tea and coffee provided.
Details advised above. Contact: Mia David
From 5:00 pm the gathering enjoys time together with games, craft, skits, and a shared dinner. All ages are welcome. 122 Princes Hwy, Dapto.
For information contact Janet by email
Stalls, Devonshire tea, BBQ, cakes at Dapto Uniting Church grounds and hall, 122 Princes Hwy, Dapto.
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