Five Islands
Christian Ministries Inc.

Ecumenical Events in the
Illawarra Region

Email to advertise ecumenical events on this page and in the Clearing the Way for Jesus newsletter. Only events in the Illawarra (Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama local government areas) are  advertised in the newsletter but nearby events may be included on this page. There is no charge for this service. The inclusion of events in this list does not imply 5icm members agree with all the views expressed at these events. 

Upcoming Events
(scroll farther down for Regular Events)

    • February, Sharing Hope Evangelism Training - Part 1 of 2
      Details: 27th Feb, 7:00pm Shellharbour Community Church, 500 Shellharbour Rd.
    • February/March, Sharing Hope Evangelism Training - Part 2 of 2
      Details: 19th Feb, 7:30pm Wollongong Baptist Church, 330 Keira St, Wollongong
      20th Feb, 1:00pm Dapto Anglican, lot 100 Moombara St
      20th Feb, 7:00pm Fairy Meadow Anglican, 1 Princes Hwy
      22nd Feb, 9:00am Figtree Anglican, 4-10 Gibsons Rd.
      22nd Feb, 2:00pm Albion Park Anglican, 253 Tongarra Rd
      6th March, 7:00pm Shellharbour Community Church, 500 Shellharbour Rd.
    • Wednesday 5th March, Illawarra Senior Band Concert
      10:30 a.m. Warrigal, Pine St, Albion Park Rail
    • Friday 7th March, World Day of Prayer
      Theme: "I will praise Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Service prepared by the women of Cook Islands.
      Services in the Illawarra:

      11:00 a.m. St David's Anglican Church, 3 Roxborough Ave, Thirroul
      10:00 a.m. St Joseph's Catholic Church, 48-50 Park Rd, Bulli followed by lunch.
      10:00 a.m.? Fairy Meadow Anglican Church, 1 Princes Hwy
      10:30 a.m. St Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral, 36 Harbour St, Wollongong
      10:30 a.m. Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 48-50 Princes Hwy, Unanderra
      11:30 a.m. Henry Brooks Estate, Community Rm, 260 Kanahooka Rd, Kanahooka
      10:00 a.m. morning tea, Service at 11:00 a.m. Dapto Baptist Church, 93-97 Emerson Rd, Dapto
      11:00 a.m. All Saints Catholic Church, 19 College Avenue, Shellharbour. Luncheon following.
      10:30 a.m. Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Church, 94-112 Manning St, Kiama
      10:00 a.m. St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church, 166 Fern St, Gerringong
    • Wednesday 19th March, Justice Night: The Federal Election, Politics and Faith
      Speaker: Jane Kelly, Common Grace's Creation and Climate Justice Coordinator
      Details: 7-9pm Central Church, 4 Fitzwilliam St, Port Kembla
      Contact: Becca De Souza
    • Friday 28th March, Hope for the Illawarra - Youth Outreach
      Speaker: Dave Jensen
      Details: 7:00 p.m. WIN Entertainment Centre, cnr Crown & Harbour Sts, Wollongong.
    • Saturday 29th March, Hope for the Illawarra - Children's Outreach
      Details: 11:00 a.m. WIN Entertainment Centre, cnr Crown & Harbour Sts, Wollongong.
    • Saturday 29th March, Hope for the Illawarra - Celebration
      Speaker: Dr Michael Youssef
      Details: 7:00 p.m. WIN Entertainment Centre, cnr Crown & Harbour Sts, Wollongong.
    • Wednesday 2nd April, Illawarra Senior Band Concert
      11:00 a.m. Warrigal Care Shell Cove, 50 Harbour Bldvd, Shell Cove
    • Friday 11th April, Last day of First Term for students in Public Schools
    • Good Friday 18 April
    • Easter Saturday 19 April - Easter Egg Hunt
      Newday Church is hiding 10,000 Cadbury eggs.
      Details: 2am-2pm. 25 O'Briens Rd, Figtree
      Cost: $12 per child. Book via
    • Easter Sunday 20 April
    • Easter Monday 21 April
    • 23-26 April, VMTC Prayer Ministry Training
      For those who desire healing and those who want to minister healing.
      Details: 9:45am 23rd April to 4:30pm 26th April at Chittick Lodge Gerringong
      Cost: $345 per person plus $60 registration fee - apply online
    • Friday 25 April, ANZAC Day
    • Wednesday 30 April, Second Term starts for students in Public Schools
    • Wednesday 7th May, Illawarra Senior Band Concert
      2:00 p.m. IRT Woonona Aged Care, 4-6 Popes Rd, Woonona
    • Monday 9 June, King's Birthday Holiday
    • Wednesday 11th June, Illawarra Senior Band Concert
      11:00 a.m. Kiama Anglican Church, 2 Terralong St, Kiama
    • Friday 4 July, Last day of Second Term for students in Public Schools
    • Tuesday 22 July, Third Term starts for students in Public Schools
    • Friday 25th July, Illawarra Senior Band Concert
      Details: Albion Park Uniting Church, cnr Terry & Russell Sts
      10:00 a.m. morning tea, 10:30 a.m. concert, 12:00 p.m lunch
      Cost: $10
      RSVP for numbers: APUC
    • Monday 4th August, Bank Holiday
    • Wednesday 6th August, Illawarra Seniors Band Concert
      10:30 a.m. St Vincent's Care, 15 The Ave, Heathcote
    • Wednesday 3rd Sept, Illawarra Seniors Band Concert
      10:30 a.m. Marco Polo Unanderra (To be confirmed)
    • Friday 26 September, Last day of Third Term for students in Public Schools
    • Wednesday 1st Oct, Illawarra Seniors Band Concert
      10:30 a.m. Blue Haven Terralong St Kiama (To be confirmed)
    • Monday 6 October, Labour Day Holiday
    • Tuesday 14 October, Fourth Term starts for students in Public Schools
    • Wednesday 5th Nov, Illawarra Seniors Band Concert
      10:30 a.m. Tarrawanna Salvation Army, Meadow St & Caldwell Ave
    • Tuesday 11th Nov, Illawarra Seniors Band at Remembrance Day
      10:30 a.m. Lakeside Memorial Park, Kanahooka
    • 7:00 p.m. Saturday 6th Dec, Illawarra Seniors Band at Jamberoo Christmas Tree Lights
    • Tuesday 9th December, Illawarra Seniors Band Concert
      10:30 a.m. Hammondcare, Shone Ave, Horsley
    • Tuesday 9th December, Illawarra Seniors Band at Jamberoo Carols
      6:30 p.m. Jamberoo.
    • Friday 19 December, Last day of Fourth Term for students in Public Schools
    • Thursday 25 December, Christmas Day
    • Friday 26 December, Boxing Day

    Regular Events

    Rev. Mark Beaton conducts a group for men who are separated (e.g., estranged/widowed) or divorced from their ex or current partner.
    Venue: Northern Illawarra Uniting Church
    Contact: Mark Beaton on Mob: 0430 209 195 or email: or visit “The Men’s Well” on Facebook

    10:30 a.m. rehearsal at Shellharbour Salvation Army Corps, Cnr Ulster & Leawarra Ave, Barrack Heights.
    Contact: Jill White

    For men, women and children. If you are doing it tough or feeling lonely and would like somebody to talk to, come and chat over a free cuppa and a free light meal of Soup and Sandwiches. Or just come and relax for a while, read the paper or browse through a magazine, or just chill out!
    Venue and time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Scouts Hall, Kiama Harbour

    Women bring their own crafts, like sewing, embroidery, knitting (some are making squares for the ‘Wrap with Love’ rugs), crocheting or anything else. We sit, chat and do our own projects; plus have a cuppa & read a small ‘thought from the Bible’.
    Details: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Gerringong Anglican Church hall, cnr Blackwood & Fern Sts.
    Contact: Jenny (0407 282 657) or Beth (0438 691 363)

    We are a group for little ones to bring their adult carer to share and develop through play and gardening. We also welcome the whole community in and around West Wollongong.
    Venue: 10:00-12:00 a.m. Keiraview Uniting Church, 34 Fisher St West Wollongong.
    Contact: Jenny, 0401 245 669,

    Bishop Reg Piper will be speaking on 1 Peter this term.
    Details: 12.45 pm to 1.15 pm sharp at St Michael's Church Hall, corner of Church and Market Sts, Wollongong. Download flyer

    Venue: 4:00-5:00 p.m. Fellowship Centre, Kiama Uniting Church, Manning St.
    Contact: Michele Broad 0400 324 708. All welcome

    Details: 9:00 am to 12 noon at Port Kembla Baptist Church hall, 81 Illawarra St, Port Kembla to raise funds to help people in the community.
    Contact: Maggie

    Morning tea followed by mahjong, jigsaws, scrabble and other games.
    Venue and time: 10:00 a.m. Scouts Hall, Kiama Harbour

    Hear from missionaries about their work. BYO Lunch and mug, tea and coffee provided.
    Details advised above. Contact: Mia David

    From 5:00 pm the gathering enjoys time together with games, craft, skits, and a shared dinner. All ages are welcome. 122 Princes Hwy, Dapto.
    For information contact Janet by email

    Stalls, Devonshire tea, BBQ, cakes at Dapto Uniting Church grounds and hall, 122 Princes Hwy, Dapto.


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