Five Islands
Christian Ministries Inc.

Revival Ministries

Revival Ministries is the name of Gary Hetherington's outreach ministry. His vision is to gather together a team of dedicated Christians to reach out with the gospel to Australia and beyond.

Gary has conducted successful outreaches in Australia and in India. He is available for conducting outreach campaigns anywhere the Lord leads him. Gary can also run an Evangelism or Prophetic Training School at your church. His contact details are below. 

Gary's Zoom Meetings

    Zoom ID: 7094534980

    Zoom password: daystar3

  • Tuesdays from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm
    Prayer for Gary's forthcoming Canowindra outreach meetings
  • Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
    Prayer for the nation/s
  • Fridays from 7:00 pm
    Teaching on the gifts of the Spirit
  • Saturdays 2:00 pm
    Prayer for Canowindra and the Central West of NSW.
  • Sundays from 11:00 a.m.
    Supernatural power of Communion 

Watch Gary's Videos

Introducing Gary Hetherington

In this video Gary Hetherington speaks about Jesus and Jonah.

Gary Hetherington's testimony.

Gary Hetherington on the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Contact Gary


Gary's profile

Postal Address

PO Box 183, Keiraville NSW 2500, Australia

Personal Website

down at present.


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  • 10/7/24 Church links and Church lists
  • 9/7/24 Clearing the Way for Jesus #430, Events
  • 27/6/24 Events

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